Total Electron Content Detector



Total Electron Content detector (TEC) is designed for high-precision electron concentration distribution measurements (from  the lower ionosphere to  the satellite altitude) obtained  by  transionospheric sounding using global navigation system (GPS) spacecrafts. Experiment aims at:
  • study of the global distribution of vertical structure of the ionosphere
  • diagnostics of the active experiments in the ionospheric plasma, anthropogenic factors in the ionosphere and effects caused by natural phenomena in the atmosphere of the Earth, including seismoactive regions.

Main characteristics of the TEC device

  • registration of relative phase shifts of GPS signals on frequencies F1=1250 MHz and F2=1600 MHz
  • registration of absolute code delay of the C/A signal, transmitted by GPC satellites on frequency F1=1250 MHz
  • calculation of the location vector of the TEC device in PZ-90 or WGS-84  reference system
TEC includes receiver coupled with the electronics block and antennas (L1 and L2), Basic characteristics of the antennas are:
  • polarization: right, circular
  • diagram in the upper hemisphere - circular with 3 db [...]
  • gain at 7 to 90 ° - not lesst han 45 dB
  • frequency ranges: 1250 MHz and 1600 MHz