Project news

  • 2006-04-15
    On 13,14 of April 2006 final prelaunch tests of the COMPASS-2 (KOMPAS-2) microsatellite have been carried out in Severomorsk with positive results on all systems and devices. All checks have finished and the satellite is installed on the 3rd stage of the launcher. The last prelaunch operation - checking and charging of the batteries is planned for May 12, launch window is currently set to May 23-26.
  • 2006-04-20
    Project control teams, including GOGU - Main Operative Control Group, have started checks of their coordination.
  • 2006-05-12
    Last prelaunch operation - charging of the satellite batteries is done
  • 2006-05-16
    State Comission has approved COMPASS-2 launch. The Launch time was set to May 24, 2006 18:50 UTC
  • 2006-05-19
    The launcher is loaded and submarine set out to Barents sea.
  • 2006-05-24
    The launch is delayed. Next attempt is scheduled for May 26, 2006 18:50 UTC
  • 2006-05-26
    The COMPASS 2 satellite successfully launched
  • 2006-05-27
    First contacts with COMPASS-2 proceeded normally
  • 2006-05-30
    After a few successful contacts with COMPASS-2 it has become clear that serious problems have developped onboard. Insufficient power supply prevents activation of the scientific payload (IZMIRAN et al.) onboard the COMPASS-2. Several working groups including the one from the satellite designer (Makeev Design Bureau) have been set up to try to resolve the situation.
  • 2006-11-16
    Several months of persistent attempts to establish a contact with the satellite have at last resulted in successfull communication session.
  • 2006-11-25
    Although there is still a number of problems onboard the satellite, first data has been received from RFA. Other devices should be switched on and tested soon.
  • 2006-11-30
    First data obtained from DRF and NVK indicate that the devices are working properly.
  • 2006-12-1
    ASN device is functional too. The analysis of the first data obtained from all the devices should allow to access their state in more details.
  • 2006-12-22
    Orbit N 3225 (22.12.2006 06:16 UTC): first test communication session using the onboard ô1700 transmitter of the 1700 MHz (1 Mbit/sec) telemetry channel. The transmitter operated smoothly, its signal has been registered by the ground station CKIT IZMIRAN and passed to MCC (Korolev) for the detailed analysis.
  • 2007-07-01
    Mission terminated